Dirty pig sloth hoarders.

by Coco on January 23, 2013

Well, the purging is over.  And I am freaking humiliated by the amount of shit we somehow accumulated in a 2,100 sq foot house.  In 7 years.

For real y’all, I thought I was somewhat tidy. 

I am not.

I am a loser that is dirty and I need to be on the show Hoarders.

The picture below is the dump pile:

Some of these items could of been donated or given away.  But I knew that would never happen and it would all sit in a “donate” section of the garage.

Listen, I am on 3 different boards of 3 different non-profits.  I donate my TIME.  Worth way more.

I also found 4 of these bad boys in my medicine cabinet:

Yes.  I stole and saved 4 of these bad boys. 

Anyhoo, we are really making strides and the house looks great. 

I have already found a house I want, so if you have some time out of your day, say a quick little prayer that we sell fast.

Not that God has anything better to do.  I mean with all the school shootings, abandoned babies, famine and such, I doubt selling my home is a priority. 

But I will take whatever I can get.  I have no patience for such nonsense as house selling and want to move TODAY!   I have big plans for my new home.

I’ve even purchased two new chairs and a rug that will look just precious in the sitting area of the house we have not purchased:

I figured I would by the chairs to set up in the playroom to show people with little imagination all the versatile uses of that particular room.  THEN, because of the magic of the chairs, they will help us sell the house because of POSITIVE THINKING.


Signing off,

Dirty stinky hoarder

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Jodee Leader January 23, 2013 at 8:26 pm

You go girl! I will have a similar pile soon! We took half of our crap to a storage unit to declutter and I am looking forward to getting rid of more stuff when we actually move!

Hoping and praying for a quick sale for you because seven months in house hell is soooo painful!

Casey January 24, 2013 at 1:25 pm

I can’t confirm that any of this makes a lick of sense, but I do like the chairs.

Allison January 24, 2013 at 2:49 pm

What? Selling? Where have I been? Miss you, friend!

Katherine January 26, 2013 at 6:57 am

I am digging the chairs!

Please don’t ever visit the Creech house. You haven’t seen hoardin’ till you’ve visited us!

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