Look at the shoes.

by Coco on May 16, 2012

The end of the school year, when you REALLY have a kid in school, is super busy.

Teacher appreciation week.

Dance recitals.

Tennis lessons.

Splash day.

Pre-K graduation.

Relay day.


And somehow, I am always roped into volunteering one way or another.  Me.  The person who usually has NO problem telling somebody how I feel about doing something or not doing something.  I can’t say no when it comes to volunteering.

So much so, that I just got effing roped into being secretary of the PTO for Bram’s school. 

Mother effer.

I’m assuming this doesn’t involve any math.  If it does, I will be fired from this volunteer position quicker than you can say, “thanksgiving feast!”

Anyhoo, I have to say, this year has been a huge success.  I adored Bram’s teacher, who really understood and appreciated his “energy” and “spontaneity.”  Let’s just hope his first grade teacher feels the same.

Dance recital time:

It was precious and fun and Tessie Mayes danced her little heart out!

Now, please take note to the black Converse the sweet angel bebe has on.

Sister girl would NOT wear those shoes.  She REFUSED to wear them during the first 2 dress rehearsals, I was secretly hoping that she would slip in her socks and bust her ass but she did fine in the socks.  Just fine.  So I had to go to plan B.

I promised/threatened the following:


new shoes

new baby doll

more money

new bikini

threatened to take all her softies away

possible spanking (which would of ended in disaster because she would of ended up on stage hysterical and I would of felt like shit.)

NOTHING worked.

Until I promised a pedicure.  A real life, like Mommy pedicure.  Not just a polish like she normally gets while I am getting my nails and toes did. 

No ma’am.  Sister wanted a full on rub down.

$30 later, her feet and fingers were happy.

AND she was dancing on that stage with her black Converse and old school athletic socks on.

The problem we now face is, she won’t take the  freaking shoes OFF.

Sundress + black Converse

Juicy hot pink romper + black Converse

Matilda Jane ruffled dress + black Converse

100 degrees in Texas + black Converse


Happy last weeks of school!!!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Casey May 17, 2012 at 10:35 am

Sundress + Converse is totall hip. Don’t mess with her style, Coco. You’re stifling her creativity.

Love your kids! Miss you, lover.

Funny In My Mind May 17, 2012 at 2:17 pm

If you and your kids were any cuter, I would hate you.
I remember the shoe wars with my son but even worse was his aversion to wearing pants. We had pants optional at home but in public pants were on. Now he won’t even go get the trash can without a shower and full outfit.
I hated being in charge of volunteering but I did my time. They abused and used me but the kids loved it.

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